Sofia Rinaldo 2020 1 x 50′


Today Chiara would have been hundred years old. Chiara was a leader of faith and civil commitment. Chiara was a young, strong and enlightened woman. She gave herself entirely to Christ and the Ideal of Unity in the Church, among different Churches, among people. Chiara inwove all pieces of a new humanity, from community to community.
The documentary, whose title (‘Essere Fuoco’) recalls the fervor and the heat of the Focolare (literally ‘home’), shows Chiara in its original and current features for the need of people today: the ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue, the establishment of a policy for the common good, the economy of communion that is based on sharing of goods and not on profit.
To realize this documentary, the Focolare Movement put at our disposal exclusive footage of Chiara’s whole life.
Testimonies of today are a priest, a woman who dedicated her life to politics, an Orthodox Christian woman, a family from Brazil, students and entrepreneurs from Loppiano which is the first ‘cittadella’ (literally ‘village’) of the Movement. All these interviews express and reinforce Chiara Lubich’s Ideal: spreading the message of Unity and Peace worldwide.

28 August 2020