Giampaolo Marconato                   2019                 63 minutes

An intimate and unknown story of Giovanni Battista Montini, through the testimonies of those who met him and lived his charisma and personality.
His magnanimity, wisdom and humility, his childhood and youth spent among Concesio, Brescia and Ponte di Legno finally brought to light through the voices of his two nephews Chiara and Fausto Montini.
The elder priest Enrico Tosi tells Montini’s spirituality. Together with him we visited Brescia’s Cathedral where Giovanni Battista was ordained as a priest and the Sanctuary of Santa Maria delle Grazie, where he celebrated his first Holy Mass.
Monsignor Gaetano Bonicelli was by his side in Milan where Montini left an indelible mark both in the life of the city and of the Ambrosian community through his unforgivable works of charity.
President emeritus of Intesa San Paolo bank recalls his political commitment and his friendship with Aldo Moro whose dramatic destiny had been prophetically foreseen by Giovanni Battista
Montini’s last months, marked by his physical pain and his wait for eternity, can be regarded as the fulfilment of his work and the final achievement of his holiness.

The memories of his room assistant, Saverio Petrillo, testify the deepness of his soul. Just as the moving words from “Pensiero alla morte”, his spiritual will inspired by the poetry of the lake he used to stare at during his holidays at Castel Gandolfo.

8 October 2019