Cristiana Caricato 2015 9 x 50′

Documentaries that tell the stories of men and women who have decided to devote their lives to their neighbors’ needs and necessities by choosing consecrated life.
In their stories, many of which are set like gems in the world’s peripheries that Pope Francis loves so much, we encounter wounded human beings, often in situations of dire poverty, who find comfort in the closeness of unlikely heroes, who are prophets and witnesses to God’s Mercy.
These are men and women religious who, through their lives, make the breath of God felt by their fellow human beings: a God who partakes in their suffering, joy and sorrow, in tough places like large urban areas, where cultural contradictions and solitudes dwell. From Father Alessandro Coniglio, a Franciscan father from the Custody of the Holy Land to Sister Laura Girotto, a Salesian missionary in the Tigray region, in Northern Ethiopia; from Marilena Civetta, a young psychotherapist who is also a member of the Ordo Virginum to Sister Almudena, a Benedictine from the enclosed monastery in Santiago, we discover a world made up of people who, without any idealism and with many imperfections, testify to a different way of doing, acting and building things.

28 August 2020