Maurizio Carta 2018 8 x 25 minutes


Father Marko Ivan Rupnik is a Jesuit priest, an artist and a theologian. His mosaics draw inspiration from the shared artistic patrimony of Eastern and Western Christianity, and at the same time involve us in sacred history in such a way as to make us feel a part of it, as if in a luminous liturgy. For TV2000, Fr. Marko proposes a spiritual reading of art in an 8-part series, from the first artistic expressions of human civilization to the modern age. In the Mausoleum of St. Constance in Rome, Rupnik leads the viewer into an understanding of the symbolical and liturgical language of Christian art. The words and images Rupnik evokes emerge on the walls of the basilica, creating an effect at once suggestive and disorienting, highlighted by a modern and unexpected musical score. The result is a new and original way of approaching the masterpieces of Christian art of all times.

5 September 2018