The New York Times

Debate on the Lord’ s Prayer
The pope’ s reflection was part of a nine-episode commentary on the Lord’ s Prayer that TV2000, which is owned by the Italian conference of Roman Catholic bishops, has broadcast every Wednesday evening since October. Each program includes an exchange between the Pope and the Rev. Marco Pozza, a prison chaplain in Padua known as “Father Spritz,” after the renowned Venetian aperitif, because of his work evangelizing young people in bars and on the streets.

The New York Times (online)

Lost in Translation? Pope Ponders an Update to Lord’ s Prayer
Pope said in Italian, in an interview with TV2000, an ecclesiastical television station in Rome

The Guardian

Pope wants to tweak Our Father
He told the TV2000 channel: “It is not a good translation because it speaks of a God who induces temptation.”

The Times

Pope gives his blessing to change in Lord’s Prayer

Washington Post

‘Lead us not into’ what? Pope Francis suggests changing the words of the Lord’ s Prayer.
Francis spoke about the prayer in an interview with Marco Pozza, a prison chaplain in Padua, on the channel TV2000 that is owned by Italian bishops.

Huffington Post

Pope Francis Questions Traditional Translation Of Lord’s Prayer

In an interview with the Italian Catholic channel TV2000, published on YouTube Wednesday, the pontiff pointed out that God isn’t the one who leads humans to sin. That’s Satan’s job, Francis said […] The pope’s comments were part of just such an endeavor. The TV2000 program that he appeared on is just one episode in a series that the channel is doing that studies the lines of The Lord’s Prayer.

BBC News

Pope Francis wants Lord’ s Prayer changed
“Do not let me fall into temptation because it is I who fall, it is not God who throws me into temptation and then sees how I fell,” he told TV2000, an Italian Catholic TV channel. “A father does not do that, a father helps you to get up immediately.”


Pope Francis calls for Lord’s Prayer to be altered as current wording suggests God is capable of leading people ‘into temptation’

Metro Uk

Pope Francis calls for change in the wording of the Lord’s Prayer


Why Pope Francis is calling for the wording of ‘Our Father’ to be changed
He told channel TV2000: “It is not a good translation because it speaks of a God who induces temptation.”

Daily Mail

Pope says he wants to change the words to the Lord’s Prayer because current interpretation suggests God leads us ‘into temptation’

Fox News

Pope Francis wants to change line of ‘Our Father’


Pope Francis wants to change the words of the Lord’s Prayer because translators got it wrong

The pontiff told Italian broadcasters that the Italian – and English translations – imply that God “induces temptation”


The Pope wants to change the Lord’s Prayer
Pope Francis doesn’t like the plea “lead us not into temptation” in the Lord’s Prayer. This is “not a good translation”, he said in an interview with the Italian TV channel “TV2000” broadcast on Wednesday evening. Francis stated that human beings “fall” into temptation. However, it is “not God who leads humans into this temptation, to then watch them fall”.


Pope wants better translation of phrase on temptation in ‘Our Father’ prayer

The Globe and Mail

Pope wants to change phrase in Lord’s Prayer


‘It’s Not a Good Translation.’ Why Pope Francis Wants to Tweak the Lord’s Prayer

Sky News

Pope Francis wants to change the Lord’s Prayer

Daily News

Pope Francis proposes change to the Lord’s Prayer

CTV News

Pope would like ‘Lord’s Prayer’ wording changed

A father does not push me into temptation, to see how I fell,” he told TV2000. “A father doesn’t do that. He helps you get up right away. What induces into temptation is Satan.” (VIDEO TV2000)

Russia Today

El papa Francisco apoya la idea de cambiar una frase en la oración del padrenuestro


¿Por qué el papa Francisco quiere cambiar el Padre Nuestro en algunos idiomas pero no en español?
“No es una buena traducción porque habla de un Dios que provoca la tentación”, explicó Francisco en una entrevista con el canal italiano TV2000.

La Nacion

¿Por qué el papa Francisco quiere cambiar el Padre Nuestro en algunos idiomas pero no en español?

“No es una buena traducción porque habla de un Dios que provoca la tentación”, explicó Francisco en una entrevista con el canal italiano TV2000.

La Razon

El verso erróneo del Padrenuestro
En el programa «Padre Nostro» de TV2000, al ser preguntado por este tema, Francisco explicó que el cambio se debe a que «soy yo el que cae, pero no es Él (Dios) quien me empuja a la tentación para ver cómo he caído.

Aci Prensa

El Papa habla sobre la nueva traducción del Padre Nuestro en francés

En la edición de este miércoles del programa “Padre Nostro”, emitida por TV 2000, el Papa Francisco se refirió al reciente cambio en la oración del Padre Nuestro en lengua francesa, y señaló que quien induce a la tentación es Satanás y no Dios[…] Durante el programa, el P. Marco Pozza, capellán de la cárcel de Padua (Italia), preguntó al Pontífice si Dios puede inducir a la tentación.

La Croix

Le pape suggère de changer le Notre Père en italien

Dans un entretien à la télévision catholique italienne TV2000, le pape François a souligné que la traduction en italien du Notre Père n’était pas bonne, se félicitant du changement effectué en français où la demande «Ne nous soumets pas à la tentation» et devenu «Ne nous laisse pas entrer en tentation».

Huffington Post

Un passage du “Notre Père” change ce dimanche

Tv Catholique Fr

La nouvelle traduction du «Notre Père» par le pape François
Lors d’une émission diffusée le 6 décembre 2017 par TV 2000, le pape François a confié son interprétation de la nouvelle traduction francophone du Notre-Père concernant la sixième formulation de la demande « ne nous laisse pas entrer en tentation » qui devient« ne nous soumets pas à la tentation ». (VIDEO TV2000)


13 Dicembre 2017